24I have been watching this show religiously since it first aired many years ago. I am a BIG Jack Bauer fan, even though he is a cheeseball. My fave is Chloe. Brian and I always make fun of her faces and comments on the show, they can't write that stuff, it's natural to her. My favorite season was when President Palmer was in the White House, he was so cool and I'm pretty sure the only non-corrupt President. Oh I also really liked last season when President Taylor was held hostage at the White House, that was crazy! So as big of a fan as I am, I'm very sad about the season finale. I can't believe Rene died! I was thinking that Jack and Rene would run off into the sunset on their way to fight crime, but she died? Bad choice in the writing. And then man oh man what a cheesy ending, having Jack all bloody on the big screen at CTU saying "how many seconds do I have?" and then running off to escape what could have been... so yes, I will take the jokes for this episode, but overall I give this show an 8.5 out of 10.
Well I have been a semi-faithful fan of this show since day one... love me some Kelly Clarkson. This season I was a little unimpressed with the talent. I mean I can't sing, but these kids were just "eh" to me. I didn't vote (sometimes I do) because I wasn't really attached to anyone. Big Mike had a precious story, but that's about it. I LOVED the addition of Ellen Degeneres to the show, great move Fox. Kara is going to be the death of me. She loves herself a little too much. Randy? Oh gosh, he thinks he knows everything about music but he can't put it into words besides "Listen, Listen, Dog, Dude, Listen, Listen." Who do I love? Simon. He's so cruel but you know what? He says exactly what I'm saying to Brian here at home. He just has the guts to do it to their face. Wow how could I forget my fave person on AI - Ryan Seacrest. He is so precious and talented and my gosh so busy. He knows everyone in Hollywood and I feel like we would be good friends given the chance. Oh and I give AI one more season on the air. With Simon (and adorable Paula) out, the show won't last much longer. Overall, I give this show a 7 out of 10.
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this show. Brian loves it too. Although we tend to eat our dessert while we're watching it, so it's not as motivating as one would think. I think Allison Sweeney is wonderful (although I originally loved her from Days of our Lives), Bob is the one I would choose for my trainer (a good mix of sweet and tough), and Jillian is a tad crazy. Okay a lot crazy. Brian and I were pulling for either Ashley or Daris this season. Can you believe how fabulous Daris looked at the finale? Holy moly, he was so cute. And Ashley looked amazing too! It is just so wild to me that someone can lose 20-30 pounds in one week. But Brian keeps reminding me that if you weigh 400 pounds, 20 pounds isn't as "wow" as I think it is. Well it still is "wow" but it's not unbelievable. I do, however, wish that they would start showing more eating habits and not just focusing on the workouts. I'm pretty sure I know how to hire a trainer now, so just show me what to eat and how much to eat of it. Like I really liked the episode where they all went out to a Mexican restaurant and had to choose healthy items off the menu... very applicable to everyday life. So Dear NBC, Please try to focus a bit more on foods and not so much on exercise when you are showing us clips each week. Sincerely, Ellen. I give this show a 9 out of 10.
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