Sorry for being MIA these past few weeks. Getting back in "work mode" after my 2 week Christmas break was very hard. I am now officially 27 weeks (hard to believe!) and feeling pretty good. Although I feel like a beached whale, the doctors assure me that I am right on track with weight gain (and actually a bit low compared to the average at this point in pregnancy) and belly size. Baby Hake is QUITE the kicker these days. He likes to kick at the most inopportune times though - while I'm teaching, when I'm laying down trying to go to sleep, etc. But I can't complain - it's so magical and wonderful, it doesn't bother me one bit.
I will try to catch you up on the past few weeks...
Brian and I had a fun New Years Eve. We went to Fleming's with our best friends - Greyson and Adam. In the pics below, Greyson is 23 weeks pregnant and I am 25 weeks. We will be having 2 very different babies, even though we are both having boys. G/A were both 5 pound babies. I was 8 lbs 15 oz and sweet little Brian was 9 lbs 4 oz. Yikes. So needless to say, Greyson and I are carrying different size baby boys. The four of us had dinner at Fleming's and then came back to our house and played a new game we found (you know Brian and I LOOOOVE games!) called Buzz Word. If you haven't played, it's a must. Surprisingly, Greyson and I were able to stay awake to watch the ball drop!
Brian and I have been taking baby prep classes at Northside Hospital (where I will deliver Baby Hake and where my mom delivered me!) these past few weeks.
The first one we took was Baby Essentials. Even with my 8 years of nannying experience, I still was able to learn a few things from this class - such as circumcision care and umbilical cord care YIKES. Brian learned a lot and I think it was much better coming from an instructor than me! We also took a couples breastfeeding class. Talk about awkward but informative haha. Brian and I were like little school kids in the back giggling and making faces at each other. But as silly as it was, we learned a LOT and gosh I'm grateful I took that class. This past weekend, we took Part 1 (of 2) of Childbirth Prep with Greyson and Adam. It wasn't as bad as I thought - Brian was fearing for his life with "the video" he knew they'd be showing us. But it wasn't that bad and I actually teared up during it! The instructor taught us different breathing techniques, ways Brian can massage me (yes please!), and all about the stages of labor. Next week she'll talk to us more about pain medication (also a big yes please!). I am currently very freaked out about the epidural. Don't get me wrong, I am 100% getting one, I just am concerned about a catheter being threaded into my back (I'm about to pass out just writing this!) and then it being in there for hours as I lay back on it! AHHHHHHH So hopefully, next week's class will calm me down. The only other 2 classes we will be taking are: Infant CPR (a must) and a hospital tour (Brian is excited about this one. He is anxious to learn the route to take me as I'm having contractions, what to expect in the delivery room, where to park his car, etc.). Again, I HIGHLY suggest taking these baby classes - you'd be crazy not to!
On Friday, Jan 7th my entire second grade team from school took me out to Kelly Kakes for a celebratory dinner!
Not sure if I've mentioned it before now, but I LOVE my second grade team. Although I am by far the youngest in the group, they treat me so well and have welcomed me since day one and guided me through my crazy first year of teaching. Needless to say, I would be completely lost without them.
These lovely ladies and I had a delicious dinner (and dessert of course!) together.
They showered me with adorable baby boy gifts and lots of love.
On Saturday, Jan 8th I had a play date with Lydie. Gosh, seeing her makes me miss the days of nannying for her and Hudson. The past few times I've hung out with Lydie, it has been with a group (including her parents, Brian, her brother, Penny, etc) so this time we decided to have a date "just us." I took Lydie out to lunch and then for pedicures. I cannot believe she is already 4. She acts like an 11 year old and we have conversations like we are best friends. Of course, she said a lot of funny things throughout our date, but the best was when she asked if she could be present during Baby Hake's delivery. Here is our convo...
Ellen: Sure! You can come see Baby Hake after he's born, I know your mom would bring you up to the hospital to meet him.
Lydie: No, I want to be there when he comes out of your tummy.
Ellen: What?
Lydie: Yeah, my mom wouldn't let me be there for her 2 babies coming out, so I need to be there for yours.
Ellen: Well, it's kind of an adult thing and Brian and I are going to be the only 2 people in the room when Baby Hake comes out of my tummy.
Lydie: Why?
This conversation continued on for about 5 minutes. Lydie just could not understand my reasoning. I truly think she thinks she will be there for the birth now. Haha!
Snowpocalypse has hit us. It started snowing on Sunday, Jan 9th and today is Tuesday and there is no sign of it disappearing. I am actually off work today (and was off yesterday) because the roads are SO unsafe. We got about 5 inches of snow but now there is an extra 1-2 inches of ICE on TOP of that snow, making it very dangerous to drive on. The weatherman predicts it won't be gone until this weekend! Which sounds great to be off work for an entire week, but you know that we won't go unpunished. That means our school will probably take away our winter break or add on extra days of school in May/June UGH. So as much as I love being off school and having days at home to lounge around in my jammies, I hope we go back to school tomorrow!
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