So I have hit 38 weeks. And we are counting. It is SUCH a waiting game because it could be any moment now... or it could still be 2 weeks away. We are as ready as we could possibly be. The nursery is complete (I will post pics soon), we have taken all the baby prep classes, we have received everything (at least all of the necessary items!) off our registries, our hospital bags are packed, the hospital route(s) are mapped out, etc. If he came tonight, we'd be ready.
But alas, we have arrived at 38 weeks and still no baby.
We had our ultrasound this morning (to determine the size & position of the baby) and my sweet husband joined me at the appointment. It was a very short appointment. The ultrasound technician was very thorough and was quick to tell us that Baby Hake was definitely head down and in the "right" position. She took some measurements of his head (normal: measuring at 38 weeks), his belly (a bit bigger: measuring at 39 weeks, which if he has been eating what I've been eating it's no suprise haha), my fluid level (normal), his heart rate (149 bpm), and his approximate weight (7 1/2 pounds). We asked her how accurate the weight was and she said "pretty accurate", so if he gains a 1/2 pound each week (which is "normal") between now and delivery, it looks like we'll have an 8 1/2 pound baby on our hands. Not as bad as I thought - I was expecting him to already be 10 pounds! The ultrasound technician informed us that he had definitely dropped and was "very low" and headed in the right direction, so that was nice to hear.
I had originally changed my actual 38 week appointment (because I did NOT want to see Heather, the midwife I don't enjoy) to tomorrow but the ultrasound technician informed me that Dixie (my favorite midwife) could squeeze me in right after the ultrasound. SCORE! So Brian and I got to meet with Dixie :)
Dixie told me that I was still 0 cm dilated and 0% effaced. I, of course, was discouraged and it must've shown on my face. Dixie did a WONDERFUL job of encouraging me but also validating my concerns and pains. Dixie told me how when she was pregnant that she went to the hospital 3 times with false alarms... and she's a midwife! She told me that I WAS indeed having true contractions, they just weren't strong/consistent enough to help me dilate. Brian, Dixie and I discussed the possibilities of induction. Dixie said she won't dilate anyone until 39 weeks, to allow for healthy lung development. So at my next appointment (39 weeks, next week) we will discuss it. Dixie said if I am dilated/effaced then we might schedule an induction for 39 1/2 weeks. If I am still at 0 cm then we might schedule an induction for 40 1/2 weeks. Either way, this baby will be delivered at the latest 41 weeks. THANK GOD! Have I mentioned how much I love Dixie? :)
What have I been doing to pass the time this past week? Well since I am done with work (wahoo!) and don't have deadlines or lesson plans to write or emails from crazy overbearing parents, I have had MUCH less stress in my life. Here is what I have done to occupy my time:
- lunch/hang with friends (Monday: Nine Street Kitchen in Historic Roswell with my mom, Greyson and Harriet. Tuesday: Brio with Anna (my cousin). Wednesday: Nicole (my friend from small group) came over here with her 3 week old precious baby Abigail. Friday: Greyson came over, we ordered pizza and watched "How Do You Know" movie. Saturday: Stacy came over in the AM just to hang)... have I mentioned that I have the BEST friends in the world?!?!
- catching up on tv shows I've been missing (my DVR was getting backed up!)
- propping my feet up (the swelling has gone down A LOT!)
- Skyping with my college bffs
- had a service come out to clean our carpets (hadn't been done in the 2 year we've lived here)
- organized the nursery
- a LOT of online shopping (sorry Brian!)
- cleaned the house (finally got to dusting the upstairs, laundry galore, etc.)
- making lists (who to call on way to hospital, who to invite to Sip and See, double checking list of what to pack for hospital now that we've had a trial run, etc.)
- QT with Penny :) She needs it.
- making "summer goody bags" for my 20 students for when I go back to visit them in May
- playing Words with Friends AND Word Feud... I'm slightly addicted
- walking (more like waddling) around the neighborhood with Brian and Penny
Needless to say, I am keeping quite busy. I am very grateful for all my friends who have been helping to keep me entertained. I am very grateful for my sweet puppy Penny who snuggles me when I feel lonely. I am most grateful for my amazing husband who has listened to me complain about my Fred Flintstone feet, rubbed my achy back with tennis balls, made me delicious dinners (he's in the other room making me pancakes for dinner right now YUM!), refilled my water, helped me clean and organize the nursery, run errands for me on the weekends, and helped me to put on my shoes when I can't reach my feet anymore... all of this after he a hard day of work at the office, too. I love him SO incredibly much!